Thursday, September 10, 2009


The first time I was introduced to "clicks" was when I move to Brentwood, Tennessee from Columbia, Tennessee. I was in the middle of 3rd grade and was behind. I had no idea what I was getting into.

As I got use to school I began to notice who was a "popular" kid and why. These kids where the ones who knew each othe from diapers. They did everything together. Then I began to notice the "football jocks". At the time there wasn't a school team but there was the Brentwood Blaze team. Then there where teh Brentwood Blaze Cheerleaders. This is wear I fit into. My mother signed me up and I was so grateful for the fourteen instant friends. And like every school we had our "nerds" or "gamers". These kids where the classic glasses wearing, greasy haired boys, with an occassional girl.

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